The human props are now applauding as Obama lists all the benefits. It is like a meeting of the Soviet Communist Party. They all applaud our Great Leader and Helmsman.
This is really ridiculous. This guy is still trying to sell this "law of the land," which most Americans don't want. If it is so great, why the sales pitch? Why the clapping seals as a back drop?
This guy is still trying to sell this “law of the land,”
Ok. So this “ tax” is the law of the land.
That should mean no one is exempt from it , and it should be applied equally to all.
Would like to see the SC have to deal with a challenge on that basis.
“And 85% of you are not even affected since you already have Medicaid, Medicare, and employer supplied insurance,”
Well Bozo if 85% of Americans have some form of health insurance why the F do we need Obamacare. I’m sure President Jarrett’s water-boy is going explaining this.
Wouldn’t it be great if some reporter, I know this is a fantasy, would yell at Bozo: “Where is President Jarrett?” It would make his narcissistic noggin explode!
That is a big, fat, stinking, steaming LIE from the LIAR IN CHIEF. Every one of those programs is affected by FUBOcare because FUBOcare is imposing standards on every health insurance program in existence, and even private insurance is either being forced to raise rates, or are doing it just because they can get away with it.
With the ‘fine/tax’ being about $95 (with no penalty for not paying for it ) there is a risk that people who would pay much more than they will get from it ('young healthy people') wont sign up for it.
They are needed to pay for those who are already ill who sign up (those on stage with him) or it doesn't work, or they just pay their own bills and nothing changes.
So Obama is talking to those who believe in him. 'Sign up. its a good deal'
“law of the land,”????
You must mean “law of the democrats”!!!!