I am a bit skeptical about parts of this story. I think the reason the website is failing is that they either hired a company that can’t do the job, or they put specifications on the website that made it impossible to program.
THAT my Friend WAS the point!
This is a FUBAR so we have to fix it with single payer
No offense, but it’s not Rocket Science if you comprehend the Evil.
Hard to do, but so true, Sorry if reality is hitting us all in the face!
CGI, a Canadian firm, was the contractor - the SAME contractor that the Canadian government FIRED in 2012 for delivering an unusable healthcare platform, waay LATE, AND overbudget ...
I believe I read where the company they hired had been fired from their last job because of incompetence. So that would be one issue. I lived in Kansas and have friends who worked in Topeka when Sillybus was the Governor and they all said she was as dumb as a box of rocks. Going from being the Governor of Kansas to writing regs to cover a huge program like this is way beyond her capability. All of it was destined to fail.
Seems to me like Obama could have just said what the plans had to cover, that everyone had to be insured and then let the insurance carriers handle the enrollment. Once people found out what their premium was then they could apply for financial aid from the appropriate agency.
YEP...the “website”...I believe...was so monstrous...because they want to MONITOR/CONTROL OUR EVERY MOVE...