Why in the world would we wait with baited breath for the outcome of the Mexican invasion?
The “deals” have already been made in smoky back rooms and the “greasing of the palms” has already happened. The only thing we have to do is watch the “dog and pony show” put there for our entertainment with the realism of a staged wrestling match.
The only difference is that we already know who is going to win and who is going to lose for the “FIX” is in just like all undertakings by the Republican party and I guess that any patriot or conservative knows what the outcome will be due to experience in being screwed.
Over the past few days I haven’t even done my (in the morning before working) daily 2 hour news readings for there is nothing more to read.
We have no representation and the “low information” voters have morphed into good Democrat/Socialist/Communists who follow their “Kenyan pied piper” into the magic world of FAIRNESS, EQUAL RIGHTS, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and MORAL COLLAPSE.
Since the mid 60’s this final battle has been brewing and now it has reached ripeness...and it smells horrible. Our schools, entertainment, sports, colleges, network TV and public TV, and government rules and regulations along with the “stacking” of the Supreme Court ensured a victory for the vermin infesting both the government and political parties of this country.
The time has come to stand or fight. The first fight should be to establish a new political party that will at least give us a chance to take this country back to the freedoms and liberty granted by the original Constitution (no not the “living” Constitution) and the specific duties the government was charged with....and nothing more.
The mere mention of the word “republican” gives me hives for they have finally become the weapon used by the enemy to stab true, hard working and law abiding citizens of America in the back.
Just watch Hannity get eaten alive on his show by liberals that absolutely refuse to believe actual facts. There is no way to reason with a liberal.
I once heard a quote from Chuck Missler; "There is no greater barrier to the truth, than to believe you already have it."
Of Course we always have Reagan's observation that "It is not that liberals are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so.
I have a near relative that truly believes that Gasoline was over $4.00 a gallon when Bush was president, so Obozo gets credit for lowering the price. Sigh.......