I stopped at the word 'seems' because I saw that I was about to receive your emotional perception in place of any critical thought regarding the facts I just posted. "Feel good ideology"? You are out of your mind.
What part of Medicaid expansion do you not get? States that sign up are now on the hook for life to provide Medicaid coverage to an expanded class of people. And by 'on the hook', I mean that the working citizens of their prospective states will bear the brunt of paying for it. Sure, the federal government is offering 100% pure heroin that first year. But once the state gets hooked, the government starts stepping on that heroin, decreasing its purity down to 90%, then 80%, then 70%. And before you know it, that smack just isn't getting you high any more. Yet you're still hooked, and you keep buying and buying and buying.
Again, I praise my Governor (whom I don't even like) for (as Nancy Reagan would say) "Just saying 'no'".
In coming years, as states like Arizona find it harder and harder to come up with enough cash to pay for a fresh influx of welfare recipients, states like Georgia will be holding the line because they recognized socialism for what it was and chose to opt out.
Yep, I was not happy with Brewer’s decision. All the Illegal Immigrants we have here cost enough. Perhaps if this Country wasn’t supporting 1/5 of Mexico the saved revenue might be enough for some “plan” for the 8% that didn’t have insurance for reasons other than they didn’t want it.
There have been since 2006 or so, Health rating companies. They get around the HIPAA laws by operating as a credit rating company. I had no idea until I tried to get insurance after my divorce (when I was employed) through AETNA, and kept getting asked over and over (4 separate times) did I have diabetes (which was no) and I kept telling them that. The fourth time I found out why they were asking. The Aetna rep told me they had to ask because a health “rating” data company had in their file that I had taken a diabetes drug. My health provider had me try it for an off label use for another issue. I had NO INSURANCE and PAID CASH for the one-time prescription at either Walgreens/CVS/or Target, can’t remember which one. Who entered that info into a health ratings database? No insurance company did. It had to be the pharmacy. Why? Why were they allowed to do that?
These data companies already for years have gotten around Medical Privacy Laws by being allowed to operate like a credit rating company. To Prove I didn’t have diabetes, they wanted me to send them every medical record for the last ten years. I said screw it. I didn’t have the minimum 600 bucks a month anyway. That was less than the food bill for my four kids and I.