Do Not do it, HOUSE.
Do NOT do anything.
Your demands should be: (1) a real budget and the end of continuing resolutions and an irrevocable, non-squishy law requiring a budget (2) A rate of expenditure per month that cannot be exceeded for that budget (3) all expenditures in that budget OR no deal. (4) A religious conscience clause added to ObamaCare (5) The end of anything resembling death panels or care restrictions in ObamaCAre, and a minimum of a delay for one year with ObamaCare.
Obamacare is not ready to be implemented. Politics aside the damn thing does not work. You cannot get through their website and the insurance companies are totally confused as to the correct pricing for one. Spoke to blue cross yesterday and was told that they are all confused there. How in the heck can we get anyone to listen! I am beyond frustrated.
Obamacare is not ready to be implemented. Politics aside the damn thing does not work. You cannot get through their website and the insurance companies are totally confused as to the correct pricing for one. Spoke to blue cross yesterday and was told that they are all confused there. How in the heck can we get anyone to listen! I am beyond frustrated.