The question to be asked is: If it is in the Nations best interest to shut down the Government, then why are there only TWO Federal Politicians, Obama and Reid, loudly advocating shutting down the US Federal Government?
Obama has MANY reasons to shutdown the Federal Government such as:
1.) A headline grabbing story that will distract attention from the Impeachable scandals of:
Benghazi Massacre Dereliction of Duty by Obama as CIC;
Obamacare Insurance managed by the corrupt IRS;
IRS harassment of political opponents of Obama;
Use of the NSA by Obama to spy on everybody in the USA;
etc, etc.
2.) The use of fear of a shutdown might help to protect defunding and eventual abolishment of Obamas narrowly focucused ideological agenda of an European-style, failure-prone, Marxist, monopoly of the US Medical Insurance Industry.
3.) Spreading fear and blame might also preserve Obamas power to increase Obamacare Insurance premiums on an annual basis.
*This would be highly advantageous to Obama as the increase in mandatory insurance premiums would not be a tax, as the unexpected market conditions would be given as the reason for the increase.
*Also there would be no need to ask for the Advice and Consent of Congress, as the IRS would be in complete control of all income and medical records.
4.) The last reason is the most important for Obama, personally: America would at last no longer be a Nation where the Liberty to choose ones own family destiny could ever exist again.
As for Reid, the best guess I have is that he wants a Government Monopoly of the Medical Insurance Industry. Well, to be fair, Reid calls for a single payer system.
My guess is that multi-millionaire Reid, nearing Federal retirement, owns a lot of stock in some companies that are tied to a single payer system.
Maybe the NSA, or the IRS can find out for us?
Im going to as my US Senator from TEXAS, The Esteemed Senator John To Hell with my voters Cornyn to check on this for me - - - .
I had a guy bugging me yesterday, claiming every issue with Obastard is a distraction from something or another, the implication being we can’t remember them all.
I ended up coining (I think?) a new term: “Distraction Troll.”
To some folks, everything is a distraction from something that is, in their not at all humble opinion, THE important issue of the day. All these things are important. Damn near every one is impeachable, if we had a Congress with a backbone.