It is a curious choice of come from someone who has spent his productive life in Washington DC. Folks have arrived to question him...the standard of ethic...the lack of character...the inability to control one’s budget...and the general behavior that you’d expect in a Banana Republic (words from our own President this week).
The central theme of the Tea Party is fairly well defined...where exactly does tax revenue come will we control it...and at what point to we dismantle government services and admit they are beyond what we can afford or unnecessary for the nation itself.
You’d think that auditors have arrived at the candy factory, asking for the books, the secret recipe, and tasking the candy factor CEO to show his true financial situation.
I would point to Greece, and the inability of its government to admit problems twenty years ago, and the continual tirade over the past two years as they fell into the pit and demanded that Germany (the only country on the face of the Earth with cash and a will to help)...then acted frustrated every single day as Germany wanted a clean book, revamped priorities on national spending, and cuts across the board. Greece would readily call Germany a modern ‘tea-party’ and curse every single day over the fact that it had screwed up.
Look at cities in California facing judges and grinning as they admit they are bankrupt and want vast new deals be stamped official. Pensions out the standard of one going to jail.
Yes, it is a dangerous act comical while your ship sinks ever so slowly.
Not to mention gaining an inordinate amount of private wealth through insider training, and other perqs not available to the average citizen.