I dont know that we can definitively say that Darwin was a liar, but it is clear that Darwinism, as practiced by modern Darwinists, is a lie. It was but a short time after Darwin published his interesting (but hardly new) observations, that Marx seized upon Darwins observations, much as a drowning men might seize a lifebuoy, as his best hope of salvaging a failed social and economic philosophy. It was the one hope Marx had that he could scientifically prove that God did not exist (Tennenbaums political-ideological reasons you cite for a failed social and economic Marxist philosophy).
Thanks, spirited, for writing (and thanks for keeping me posted).
To the Nazis these were the Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Serbs, Russians, etc.
And to modern people around the world, sadly, it is the unborn and soon to include the "useless eaters" - the elderly, sick and handicapped.
Thank you so much for your insights, dear YHAOS!