New world order lesson #27:
The financial oligarchy that is new world order uses unions in “capitalist” nations...
to do the “dirty work” of smashing small competitors.
NWO’s large monopolistic businesses can simply raise prices to satisfy higher labor costs.
Small mom and pop businesses in the same industry find it difficult to keep up to increased wages and benefits, and workers gravitate to the big businesses. Small mom and pops are much more limited in how fast they can raise prices, thus they get “squeezed out” of business.
Union members don’t realize they are helping the “big corporation” they think they are opposing.
Another EXCELLENT example is in construction. Union thugs will damage the equipment of non-union firms on job sites and use other thug tactics. They think they are preserving their “union”, but they are stupidly doing the illegal dirty work of smashing competition for the large corporations they work for.
Once competition is practically eliminated, the large contracting firms can then increase prices much more easily, since the small competitive bidders are gone, and go back to squeezing their employees more, since they have nowhere else to work.
Thanks, unions ! /sarc
Road to statism / totalitarianism (maximizing gap between rich and poor):
Pay more or the same for worse or fewer goods and services.
Produce worse or less relative to what you earn (either lack of productivity or artificial wage increases).
Total production decreasing, monetary costs increasing. Prices going up. Inflation rate high. Quality of life decreasing.
Decreasing wealth tends towards slavery.
Road to freedom (maximizing financial upward mobility):
Pay less or the same for better or more goods and services.
Produce better or more relative to what you earn (increase of productivity or work time).
Total production increasing, monetary costs decreasing. Prices going down. Inflation rate reasonable. Quality of life improving.
Increasing wealth tends towards freedom.
Yeah, you got it. We’re being ‘squeezed’ out of everything these days. All in favor of the big govt monopoly that is soon to destroy all our lives.
The financial oligarchy that is new world order uses unions in capitalist nations...
to do the dirty work of smashing small competitors.