He must keep his lies within his head. He must keep them abstract and unprovable. A leader of a small country....that could be true, but there is no name, no way to verify....therefore it remains abstract. Once he enters reality, he finds the ground shifting immediately. He becomes vassal. He becomes uncertain. Have you ever noticed how he, (not on teleprompter) begins to string out his words.....aaaaaaaaaaaand...........buuuuuuuuut...........sooooooooo. The flow of the worlds greatest orator becomes less than that of the practiced obama.
His is a life predicated on lies. Everything about him is a lie. He lies when the truth fits better. Why does he do this? He knows that if the truth were laid bare he would truly be an emperor with no clothes.
And just once,, Just once......I would like to see him coming off of that airplane, trotting down with his fisted hands bobbing up and down, like he cannot get completely separated from the shuck-and-jive of Motown,.....just once I would like to see him take a header.......full face into that stairway......just once.
Quite an accurate assessment. And a wonderful vision of a fate he deserves!