Both sides suck. So why take sides?
Agreed, It is a Civil War. No one is striking externally (at least not yet, or that I know of), so anyone externally that wants to take sides also want a piece of the misery of that war and or has an interest in defeating the other side. The People of the US have no interest in anything either side in this war has, nor do we wish the misery of this war. It would appear that only our rouge Government has a hidden interest in this.
It seems that our Government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people. Perhaps Washington is a better place for a "limited strike" of the people, by the people, for the people.
Hussein Obama supported Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Hussein Obama supported and armed Al Qaeda in Libya. US weapons were used to kill Americans in Benghazi.
Hussein Obama removed US troops in Iraq. Iraq is now under relentless bombing attacks by the Muzzie terrorists.
Hussein now wants to arm and aid Al Qaeda in Syria.
Will you finally get it when Hussein Obama's Muslim terrorist buddies start killing your family and friends here in America?