The problem with this story is that it was reported. This happens WAY more often than you would think, and broomsticks seem to be the culprit.
My best friend in college was sodomized by a baseball bat during a hazing ritual in high school and later expelled for reporting it. He was stupid enough to not name names, so he was expelled for taking part in a "hazing ritual" despite being the victim.
I don't understand how this breeds fraternity in any way, but sodomizing other boys with implements is hardly brotherly.
Males who find a reason to go for a man’s anus, or who get excited about what can happen to a man in a prison and consider it part of the punishment of American justice, have hidden issues.
Wanting to get anal with a man in your control is a strange place to want to go.
You have to ask what passions would drive a few supposedly straight guys to what will probably be the only rape they ever commit.