I love West, but he would be the longest shot to get the nomination, it simply wouldn't happen.
How can you not like Cruz? He's the best spokesman for conservative principles we have.
I like Cruz very much from what I have seen and read. My preferences for other people as POTUSA is that I believe there should be no questions or doubts as to eligibility for POTUSA and I do think there are and will be questions about Cruz as to ‘ natural born citizen’. Just to give you some insight on my take as to dealing with such requirements here is some personal history. After serving in the Army including in the Pacific in WWII I was set to graduate from one of the most prestigious universities in the world. There was a requirement that for graduation you either took/had a course or a 2-3 hour ‘severance’ exam in govt. history/civics to get your degree. This was somewhat irritating because I had years of previous study about and service to the USA; but I took it was that university’s right for giving a degree with their sanction and name on it. I went through the exam like the often noted dose of salts. To this day I have no problem accepting/wanting the most stringent requirement of eligibility for POTUSA.