I’m not sure I know exactly how much of the aid goes where. I know that aome fraction (1/3 maybe?) goes to the Egyptian military but I don’t know if or how much Obama is giving the MB under the guise of something else.
The military appears to be representing the people - but to make sure the wrong guys aren’t rewarded, I agree, aid should be cut off.
Presumably the military are armed (by us probably) and the MB not so well. If that is the case, let the military take care of the MB. They have promised to rebuilt the Coptic churches, and if they are telling the truth, that is a definite plus.
Also, the ones who wouldn’t take Obama’s phone calls should be rewarded in some way. I bet little Barry was PO’d.
The most interesting thing I find is Putin's moves in this mess, Putin is picking the right side and Barry is out to lunch again strategically again.
If there is a hardware vacuum for the Egyptian military, Putin will gladly fill it.
We should be arming the Copts and sending “trainers.”
Just sayin.