She is 10000 times more presidential than Obama the gay communist/democrat.
Plus she is for limiting gov not making us slaves to government as every democrat is for
She’s going to have to run on a 3d party ticket though because the media and the liberal fascists are going to do everything they possibly can to destroy her and make her look like a fool and Republicans aren’t going to do squat about it just like screwed over Herman Caine and everyone else so their champion RINO Mitt could be the nominee. What she needs is a party that will stand behind her. I really like the idea of “Freedom party”.
What do you think of a Cruz/Palin 2016 ticket?
I think Cruz’ legal background will play better in debates against HILLARY! that Palin would.
BTW, I think the SCOTUS will allow Cruz to run by 7-2.
Go Sarah go!!