For all the hate of McCain and Romney, we would have been better served to have Cruz hold their feet to the fire than Obamas.
Sure they are political rats, but I voted for them both, and voted to send in Ted 3 times.
I honestly believe that if either McCain or Romney had somehow been elected, we would already have amnesty, no matter what Cruz did or said. This would have allowed the dems to prepare for permanent majority. With either of them as president, it would have been an absolute RINO stampede with the dems along for the ride. The only ones trampled would have been conservatives and their principles.
Unfortunately too many conservatives have the naive idea that RINOs work with us. They hate us. They are ashamed of us and our principles, beliefs and ideas. They don’t know why we can’t be more like the dems’ constituency — uninformed and always ready to vote straight party line, even when that vote is harmful to their held beliefs.
We don’t have a two party system anymore. There is only one party —socialist. Conservatives need to come into the 21st century and open their eyes.