Great comment. I think we have all had a time or two that things in life became really hard. I know I was down to nothing,not even a car, and; I was used to over 1k plus a week from working my fanny off back in 1980. It was my fault -that I fell on my ass.I felt sorry for me, etc. I had two parents die in 10 months, and; a few other problems. I moved some 100 miles plus away, lived on my insurance renewals, and; I spent $225 for rent. I ate at Wendy’s superbar every damn day for under $4. I walked everywhere or caught a damn bus.It was me who was wrong-not this country or GOV.I believe a person who wants to do something-FINDS A WAY.A person who does not-FINDS AN EXCUSE.
Great post. Many of us have been there. I believe it is God who picks us up, for those who want His help. there are literally millions of Americans (and some of them are not even Americans but they squat here, who choose to stay in the dump.
Best comment of the thread.
BTW, is anyone else having trouble with their account?
I cannot access my ping list. My mail works, I'm logged in, can post comments, etc, but whenever I click on *New Posts to You* it takes me to the forum comments and does not turn off red.