My Oath(s) of Enlistment is NOT and NEVER will be a mere “Contract”! It is a compact with ALL who came before me in wearing the Uniform of my Country with my blood and life if need be.
I note that the officer’s oath does not mandate following orders.
As a mere Enlisted puke, I followed orders when given, executed all duties assigned, and yes, shed blood and lost friends in times best forgotten. I love this country and hate all who would do her harm, but I did the time and now have moved on. No contract is going to pressure legally anyone who gets ordered to don the uniform once again past its expiration. I contracted for a set period for Active Duty, and was Honorably Discharged. My time is over, and I can no longer legally and honorably wear a uniform to which I am no longer qualified to hold.
I will defend this country and our people as always to the best of My abilities and strength, but anyone who tries to force Me to abide by an expired contract that by custom, common law, Christian Law, and judicial rulings has no rightful claim over Me is going to be sadly disappointed.
My life belongs to Our Lord and Saviour, and the Son of God before anything else, and yes the Holy Mother Mary as well. To them will I pledge continually My life and until My final breath, all I am, -others must therefore fall far short.