OK so how do I talk about the government “sustainability” here without any implication of “sustainability” for you? They close roads in National forests and take my road taxes and make bike trails while I have to maintain my own road. Here they call it sustainability. I have no idea how to communicate with such stubborn people.
Neither do I, as you have been given numerous examples of what sustainability is and can do, but adamantly insist the word is only used for government over reach.
“OK so how do I talk about the government sustainability here without any implication of sustainability for you? They close roads in National forests and take my road taxes and make bike trails while I have to maintain my own road. Here they call it sustainability. I have no idea how to communicate with such stubborn people.”
Refuse to call it sustainability because it is not. Call it unsustainability and government overreach. Use the correct terms frequently. When those who misuse the terms (either on purpose or due to mindless indoctrination) question you, explain to them why they are wrong and you are correct. They might learn something, or they might not, but the important thing is that you didn’t bend to newspeak.
Sustainability is my use of collected rain water, homemade compost, and saved heirloom seeds to create my garden. Sustainability is the three canner loads of tomatoes I just put up. Sustainability is not taking land and using taxpayer money to fund free tourism to others. That is a very unsustainable practice. Again, liberals are taking a term and defining it the opposite of what it really is. It’s just like “choice” when it comes to infanticide (I use that term instead of abortion for example). There is no choice for the person who will suffer from infanticide, so how can they call it choice? It’s newspeak, and it’s time we conservatives stand up to it.