I guess I do deserve that very special blessing!
Thank you!
But you should still consider thinking about considerating my unasked for “advice”.
We live in ugly times, and it gets even seriously uglier, if people go off half cocked, absent facts.
We are in close agreement, sarasmom.
Considering the manipulation going on in the MSM, I consider every possible alternative, and do not form an opinion based on anything I hear in the media or read on the internet.
I do my best to not hop on the “band-wagon, even if it is FR fabulous, decked out in all our favorite colors. I prefer to wait until we read or hear more (if we do, and are so lucky to get honest info, without an agenda!).
Who knows what the truth is, especially after the Zimmerman trial-by-press.
Praying that she is an innocent, saved by our brave “FeeBeeEye” squads, but am uncomfortable about the “assumed guilty” being taken out by snipers, because of the sketchy information given to us. There may be facts supporting their actions that we are not being told, which is part of the problem.
What do we really know for sure, about this tragic situation. I will not be assuming anything, because I don’t know enough, at this point, to have an opinion. All I can do is consider all the possible scenarios, and do my best to remain cautiously suspicious, considering how much we do not know about the circumstances of this domestic tragedy.
All that yammering off my chest, I am happy that she is alive, feel sorry for the load she will carry the rest of her life, and will be praying for her.