“Well, if not funding it doesnt hurt obamacare, then they should go ahead and defund it...no harm done,”
Because this would turn out badly in the end for conservatives. The media blow back would be damaging with no impact upon Obama.
And how is that different than what happens on a daily basis? Again, it's gonna happen anyway, why not do something to protect the country and truly earn the slings and arrows they will receive no matter what they do?
-— . The media blow back would be damaging with no impact upon Obama. ——
Who do you think is going to get blamed for the effects of Obamacare? The government, or greedy doctors and insurance companies?
The Republican’s bold, 30-year strategic retreat has resulted in a $17 trillion deficit. When are you planning on fighting?
We shut down the government until WE get what WE want, that is, Obamacare defunded.
We might as well have some fun fighting the bastards.
Or we can keep retreating. Maybe we can risk a fight in 2032.