I agree with you about water desalinization and thorium. If electricity were cheap enough, instead of battery powered cars, we could electrify the roads. Quantum computing will be big, but it is a very new programming paridigm and will take a while to learn how to program them.
If electricity were cheap enough, instead of battery powered cars, we could electrify the roads.
I wouldn’t invest in Tesla but if imho if anyone can make an industry model work—it would be Elon Musk. (That’s actually why his stock is so high. The bet is not on the car but on the man.)
Maybe the infrastructure would be cheaper for electrified roads—than for batteries...but likely not. Even though the electricity would be cheap —people would be killed by the capital and maintenance cost of the electrified road infrastructure. Ideally they would just make the batteries take more charge and charge faster easier cheaper. Rather than rig the us interstate system with some kind of electric trolly system.