You're dodging the question again.
Do you think Goldwater was a liberal or not? Yes or no. Its not difficult and I'm not asking for sourcing. I'm asking a yes or no question.
Which is it? Was Goldwater a liberal or not? Yes or no?
LOL, gee you want to talk about Goldwater, and I’m not interested.
Promote your homosexual agenda on your own, you dont need Goldwater to promote abortion and the homosexual agenda.
1. On whatever occasions he may have supported restricting the fedgov's allowance and spending addiction on matters domestic (welfare state).
2. When, in his early career, he was still a supporter of a vigorous and powerful military and its use in foreign affairs to the point of actual military VICTORY.
Goldwater was not merely a liberal but an outright social issue revolutionary idiot when:
1. He married and stayed married to his first wife Peggy who served for 35 years (ca. 1940-1975 when she died) on the Planned Barrenhood National Board of Directors and recruited for his 1964 campaign from the ranks of Planned Barrenhood enthusiasts (such as the late State Senator John Lupton, his state chair in Connecticut, whose eugenics enthusiasm was on a par with that of Margaret Sanger);
2. He brought his own daughter to an abortion mill to abort his grandchild, publicized that tragic fact) and said that anyone who objected could kiss his hindquarters;
3. He expressed his public support for active homosexual conduct in endorsing same by a grandson rumored to not be alone in that respect among BMG's progeny;
4. He tried to stop Ronaldus Maximus from defeating the hapless Gerald Ford (another pathetic social revolutionary and enemy of Western Civilization) and being nominated in 1976 which would have saved us from Jimmuh Peanut's pathetic excuse for a presidency. Goldwater actually cut an advertisement for Ford, urging California's GOP voters from allowing Reagan;s finger to be in charge of the nuclear weapon button. It had everything but the little girl picking daisies with the countdown in the background;
5. Goldwater was notorious in his last term for resisting Reagan on foreign policy matters from the peacecreep left, trying to help castrate the US intelligence community and resist weapons systems.
There is more where that came from but that should suffice. Goldwater was strictly a second rate intellect made to look better by good speechwriters like Karl Hess who wrote his 1964 nomination acceptance speech.
I trust I have not dodged your question.
I also gave you a lot more than a simple yes or no. If the GOP reverts from the party of Ronaldus Maximus to that of Goldwater, the party is finished. Militant baby-killing, destruction of the social fabric of this nation, rejection of Judaeo-Christian values, celebrating second rate losers like Ford and Goldwater, foreign policy weaseling, neglect of military strength and single minded obsession with Muffie's trust fund are no way for the nation's allegedly conservative party to go through life, superloser.