This is crazy. I don’t know why the people who provide medical attention at the jail got sued, The Ambulance should have been called at the accident scene.
The arresting officer must be a mental deficient.
I see about ten people in the video, they all should be looking for anew job.
“I dont know why the people who provide medical attention at the jail got sued...”
Because they didn’t do their job, which was to screen incoming prisoners. Anybody who looked into that cell and saw him in distress should be fired, sued, and prosecuted.
Hold cops personally accountable? Hah! That simply does not happen.
From the article:
“attorneys for his estate say he was examined at the scene by paramedics who “found no medical problems.” The paramedics nevertheless suggested Hicks be transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, according to the complaint.”
So many to blame for this fiasco.
If a family were treated by the police like this guy was treated,there would be no law suit.The price would be paid in blood.