Doesn’t surprise me in the least. He’s been supporting terror since day one and because we now have nothing but a RINO party his ass isn’t impeached. Don’t forget: The very first day he took office on Jan. 20th 2009, the very first thing he did when he stepped into the Oval office was try to close down Gitmo. That was his #1 priority above EVERYTHING else, his #1 priority was to terrorists. And also don’t forget his almost fanatical attempts to have 911 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed tried as a US citizen with full constitutional rights so he has a better chance at freedom. This is what happens though when you have an admitted foreign born muslim as President. He’s no Christian, that’s all a ruse. Christians don’t go to an Islamic school for 2 years.
The long and short of it is that we are screwed—whichever way you look at this once great land................