"You can lead an engineer to documentation, but you can't make him read it!" classic..
To be certain, we don't like to write stuff down. And reading docs is for wimps. "Hell, no, I didn't read it! Let's fire this baby up, and see what happens!!!!" :-)
However, I'd argue that it's hard to find an English major (recent grad) who can keep up with Engineers. They're certainly better than anything with "Studies" in it, because I'd assume that an English Major at least would be able to read and write English. "Studies" majors? Not so much.
So, if you're technical enough to hang with the geeks, and literate enough to communicate well....you're one of a rare breed, indeed. :-)
I AM one of the geeks. I just happen to have a Bachelor of ARTS degree to my name. My boss ribs me something terrible when I over-write my RCAs and lessons learned, but he appreciates that he can hand them to his superiors and they’ll be accepted without question.