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To: Tailgunner Joe
(from the article) :"Attorney Benjamin Crump, who represents Trayvon Martin's family and sat beside Tracy Martin during the hearing, had another idea to prevent similar situations: changing the Stand Your Ground law.
Crump said they are hoping to have the law amended to state that a person cannot initiate a confrontation "and then throw up their hands and claim Stand Your Ground."

When will these hard heads finally understand that the legal issue was always "self-defense" , and never "STAND YOUR GROUND" ?
Probably , because the NAACP , Zippy , and Holder don't want to realize the true legal issue.
So much for Zippy and Holder being real attorneys
Zippy gaveup his legal license in Illinois ; Holder has no excuse ..except that he may be underqualified as Attny. General !
They want to satisfy the "Professional race baiter" lynch mobs , .. especially the NAACP, who has always has an issue with "Stand Your Ground "!!
Gotta placate the mob , and keep the voter base happy !

21 posted on 07/24/2013 8:57:34 PM PDT by Tilted Irish Kilt (“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” - Ronald Reagan)
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To: Tilted Irish Kilt
When will these hard heads finally understand that the legal issue was always "self-defense" , and never "STAND YOUR GROUND" ?

they know and understand it. They just ignore it. It does not help them further their agenda. Their agenda? Disarm law abiding citizens in order to make them helpless to resist the criminals when they rob, murder. and rape their wives, daughters, and now sons and themselves. This also enables them to tighten their strangle hold on their slaves who labor to produce their tribute money, a/k/a taxes through the use of their police agencies.

43 posted on 07/25/2013 6:24:29 AM PDT by sport
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