“Let a few dozen people curise by your property every week and urinating on it and see how quick you would get tried of it. The guy was a hot head, but there seems to be no respect for other peoples property”
Very true, but what is the solution? Shoot them? I’m sure others along the river have the same problem. I’ll bet some of them have come up with legal, common sense, reasonable solutions to this problem.
One poster suggested a dog, and another suggested an electric fence. I personally like the electric fence idea particularly if the insulators are on the side away from the river. I think a video of a drunk pi$$ing on it might prove very entertaining.
I grew up in Iowa and there were places you didn’t go because you would get shot at. Few people ever got hit, but plenty got scared.
Cops never got involved and people stayed off their property.
No shooting isn’t the answer.
But when confronted by an armed property owner and one of your party is approaching the property owner with a rock do you think the best course of action is to grab the property owners arm?
Good fences make good neighbors. The guy should have put up a fence along the edge of his property.