I suspect she didn’t get the memo. The more concentrated banking assets, the easier they are to control and manipulate the masses. I predict she will be ordered by her commie overlords to stand down from this public position very quickly.
I am a banker and former regulator and I happen to agree with breaking them up. We have too many economic eggs in a small basket and the huge chunks of risk need to be trimmed down in size. But if you look at the leftist bank regulation that has come down the pike beginning with Dodd-Frank, it is decisively in favor of large banks and is having the effect of encouraging further industry consolidation, which is the precise opposite direction we should be going. Life is getting very tough for us community bankers, and we did far less to contribute to the housing bubble and liquidity crisis than did the big boys. . . IMHO
There has to be a way to do a breakup that is not according to the design of two Democratic politicians from the 1930s, I would imagine . . . ?