Free Republic stands for God, country, family and that includes traditional one man, one woman marriage as per thousands of years of civilization.
It’s the GOVERNMENT that’s trying to FORCE some other way of living on US!!
If you don’t like what we stand for you’re always free to post somewhere else!
Sorry to foul up your echo chamber with talk of constitutionally restrained government as written by the founders. Sorry for holding a mirror to people complaining about the drain that welfare queens are on the tax payer while they gladly cash their child tax credit and earned income tax credit checks because they brought children into the world and decided to pass part of the cost off to the rest of us. And I'm sorry for thinking that a site called Free Republic might actually be in support of, oh, I don't know...a free republic instead of some caricature of Oceana, complete with over reachinng federal government and extra awesome sauce.
If pointing a little hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty to some people is too off script, then put on your Zeus helmet, pull my card and be done with it.