Posted on 07/10/2013 9:47:53 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
I agree. What a pity the low-information types have no clue just how bad this is.
The DOJ can just say that they got involved to assure that the planned rallies did not degenerate into riots. There does not seem to be anything in the article that would rule that out.
That’s the $64,000 question.
Disney World is 25 miles SW of Orlando. Sanford is 25 miles north of Orlando. 50 miles between Sanford & Orlando.
Make that 50 miles between Sanford & Disney World.
..... The DOJ will simply maintain that they were there for the prime directive of preventing and/or diffusing racial tensions or flareups which was totally within their jurisdiction of service ...... as in .... Nothing to see here folks!
It's sad that far too many FReepers are evidently lacking in basic maritime skills, myself included. Just the other day I lost over 1,000 rounds of 5.56 along with my AR-15 and my VEPR whilst enjoying a leisurely pontoon boat ride along the St. Johns. Shame, really. None of it was insured.
Thanks for posting this... Now the anti - Klayman phonies that post to FR can shut their friggin pieholes and go back to their bloated beltway jobs
Department of INJustice, Shenanigans Section. Spending our money on Eric H0lder’s community organizing riots!
I wonder if they are somehow using this to try to take away our guns, one way or the other?
Oh - you’ll still be able to keep your guns.
But you won’t be able to use it in self defense.
And you won’t be able to keep a round in the chamber. (I shudder to think what would have happened if Martin carried a spare magazine or two.)
Thanks for the ping. I need to contact family members in Florida. And watch myself here in glorious Chicagoland.
Every day, it’s something new. How do you file a civil suit against the US Department of Justice for RICO charges when the US Department of Justice is the federal agency that investigates federal RICO charges? Oh, look! It’s another “Holder will investigate himself” situation! < /s >
The Marxists have had decades to plan their Revolution. Putting Holder in his key DOJ position was a vital step for their progressive tyrannical takeover, and so was their NSA Prism database; the total govt control of health care; the overreach of IRS Overlords; the mysterious deaths of journalists who aren’t compliant and everything else they’ve done since 2008. It’s so obvious that it’s all scripted. I feel like we’re all little marionettes who are being toyed with. Cattle being led to slaughter. Sheeple herded over a cliff.
Sanford is effectively a suburb of Orlando. A lot of people here are expecting riots in Sanford. But the real area of concern for my as a local is not Sanford but the near northwestern parts of Orlando (Pine Hills, Edgewater area, Lockhart) and various points in the near south. Those are the biggest concentration of Holder’s people, but there is not an insignificant amount in Apopka.
That said, Apopka is also full of gun-toting rednecks so that should balance things out nicely.
*****force this piece of racist S@@@ out , I;m sick of fast and furious, dropping charges to racists, my people, lying, and lying and all we get is useless hearings by Issa.
Force this racist out*****
How do we accomplish that? Notice how something similar happened in Egypt. The military took action and took out Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood only after there were millions of Egyptians in the capitol protesting. What would it take for that to happen here?
What we have going on is an inquisition by militant zealots, and they intend to burn Zimmerman at the stake. It’s the kind of rabble-rousing drama Obama thrives on.
Up on Drudge now.
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