having spent 6 seasons in Southern California wildland fire as a young man, Forest Service engines, helitack and First Shovel on the Hot Shots , I have had to run for my life many times on hotline, spent many nights holding line in a light combat sleep with boots on, spent weeks out on the line with scarce food or water. I could write a book, so I have an extremely close feeling of knowing what it would be like to cook in a firefight.Our Motto was screw that baked potato wrapper and run for your life
I have an intense burning anger at the US forest service about this, the cheap incompetent basterds should have had at least five C-130s ready to drop retardant on that crew. I was saved a few times by air support. The brave pilot contractors would swoop in at treetop level, VFR in heavy smoke and crazy wind in old WW2 bombers and drop right on us when we were overrun, but they mothballed the contractors and wont spend the funding on the hundreds of NG C-130's
the US Government is scoudrell scum, they can spend gazillions of dollars to rout Ghadaffy or Saddaam to loot their money but cant spare a dime for to save their own
Screw You Biden , I hope you burn in hell
God bless you, KTM rider. Tears of fury, here!