It then went to .12%, .10%, then .08% and is now headed for .05%.
At some point, blood alcohol content came to be interpolated from breath alcohol content, which unfortunately uses the same partition rate for every human as a faulty premise.
At some point "driving while intoxicated" became "driving while impaired", resulting in people getting thrown into the DWI grinder and criminal justice system with a 0.00% blood and breath alcohol concentration.
The definition of "impaired" then became something called in most state statutes "impaired to the slightest degree" by the LEO harassing people on the side of the road.
I'm still waiting for the first news story about a driver that is too short or fat or both to work the foot pedals or the steering wheel.
This is all hysteria designed to separate people from their transportation and assets.
How would you define the limit at which a responsible person can drive? That is, considering my rights also to not be killed by them.