Why are hundreds being rounded up and arrested then? I think the Military is doing what must be done and this man is doing what is a political necessity.
Considering the Muslim Brotherhood had a role in the assassination of two Egyptian leaders, not a shocking thing to say.
The MB won’t behave and will be back to the ‘peaceful’ terrorism they were doing under Mubarek and predecessors.
The brotherhood makes up nearly 50% of the population. Any fantasies about them being crushed are sadly mistaken.
Sounds like a boilerplate statement to head off any sectarian violence.
The problem with Egypt is that about half the country is illiterate. Think about it. Egypt is supposed to be the big mover in the Arab world, and half the adults can’t read or write. That does not bode well for any kind of democratic process.
They are part of Egypt as much as progressives, socialists, Marxists and communists are part of America. But they need to be kept out of power and influence.