I thought GZ told police that Martin had bashed his head into the sidewalk 2-3 times. True or false?
I loved the female ME “expert”testimony that said Zimmerman’s injuries were a not as bad as they were made out.
The last time she had a broken nose and lacerations on the back of her head that needed stitches was probably her wedding night.
If you’re bleeding, its a serious injury
When MOM asked this officer if he thought Zimmerman was telling the truth, the answer was yes. It’s normal for investigators to be suspicious of every suspect. It means nothing towards guilt, but I’m not surprised to see NBC portraying it that way.
This is not reporting it’s editorializing. This witness told the defense attorney yesterday he thought Zimmerman was truthful in his several interrogations.
So this investigators feelings are evidence?
“If he’s a cracker, he must be the attacker”
“If no crime was committed, he must be acquitted”
For that corupt ME the persecution trotted out as well as this officer, I offer the same thing. Lets smash you to the ground and repeatedly strike you in the face. It can stop when you feel your life is in danger.
How many blows do you think either of them would take.
Why is this not stricken?
This is opinion of a witness by another witness.
It’s no different than the other cop stating that he believed Zimmerman was being truthful.
The state’s own witness under oath said that If GZ doesn’t have a scratch, it doesn’t matter to self defense law. How much injury is a red herring and irrelevant to the law of self defense.
“... he believed Zimmerman was relieved after being told by investigators last year falsely that video may exist of the shooting.” this could be the knockout punch for the prosecutors.