That’s an ignorant conclusion by talking heads. The primary reason for carrying is to protect yourself in the event that you encounter a situation where you do fear for your life.
The reason for keeping a round in the chamber is to allow fast response time when your life is actually in jeopardy. Having to take time to rack the slide in an emergency defeats the whole purpose of being able to respond in a split second when one needs to do so.
All very true. It's also true the ignorant talking heads don't want us to be able to defend ourselves. If something we have to do takes time to give a thug a chance to kill us, they side with the thug, every time.
Can you imagine Zimmerman having to take the time to put a round in the chamber WHILE TM was on top of him trying to smother and beat him senseless? It wouldn’t have worked. If he had not had one in the chamber already and the safety off, he would probably be dead today. Which is what the idiots on the left would have much preferred.