The mindset of the left is that production of the individual is the property of the collective (i.e. community) instead of the property of the producer. The elites will determine how to manage and distribute the collective property because they have superior intellect. Of course, they will choose to keep a disproportionate share of the collective property because of the effort required. In reality they produce nothing while sharing in the production of others by seizing it in the name of the collective.
Contrast with the natural state of man. In nature, a man hunts, fishes, or farms for food. If he fails to grow or find food (i.e. produce) he starves. As society advanced, a man could produce tools and other material things desired by other men. The producers of tools, weapons, buildings, and other non food goods would receive food (or its equivalent value in money to be exchanged for food) from the producers of food. For those producing non food items, they ate if the items had value in the marketplace and they starved if the items were not valued by other producers. The individual who chose not to produce anything starved.
The natural order of things was Darwinian in nature. The producers thrived and the non producers starved. The best producers earned more than the other producers and the marginal producers were motivated by fear of starvation to keep producing.
Today liberals have removed the fear of starvation. As a result the non-producers instead of starving and dying are procreating at a faster rate than the producers.
Liberals profess to love nature more than humanity. Should we not then give the non producers the natural choice? Produce and live or don’t produce and die.
Very well stated. Yes!