Ditto. I donated both cycles (primary and general) to the max allowed in 2000. I voted for him in 04, but did not donate. I was already being shell shocked by his unwillingness to defend even the good things he stood for. It got worse.......very demoralizing.
Then a certain BQ convinced me of the illegal immigration mess......
Wow!! I must have sent you "vigilante" photos of my Annie Oakley fence-building days until you caved... :0)
p.s. I stupidly voted for him in ‘04, going away from my libertarian-3rd party ways (I know, not like that would have made a difference either, but...). We had massive signs up across our whole yard for him, and sent money, made phone calls, walked the ‘hood, all of it.
I was locally involved with R elections, and my friends convinced me that Jr.would do something about amnesty/illeg immig next. (That and they said they wouldn’t talk to me unless I voted for him, lol.) Yeah.... all he did was hawk more of it and call us names.