Again, for the millionth time, it is not what you know - it it what you can prove. And Snowden handed them the proof they could not otherwise obtain convincingly or legitimately.
You truly have absolutely no love of Liberty. You have clearly shown yourself to worship at the Alter of State Power. You are too blind and arrogant to even entertain the thought that your wonderful Federal Leviathan.
Making grandioise personal attacks is so much easier than actually having to do the heavy labor of thinking and making an argument, isn't it?
You’re right. Personal attacks are not appropriate.
LOL. are you serious? You need to step back and have an objective perspective.
You need ponder Lord Acton's famous saying, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely ... "
We are giving to those with ill ends Power that is too tempting. The evil left will use in ALL ways the NSA and all other agencies to destroy our Liberties.
Do you not realize that if our Republic is to be destroyed it will be done from within by the evil left and GOP-e?
The answer is likely NO because you have an obsession with Snowden as if he will truly damage our Republic. Well, you know what I say, let Snowden release every D*mn thing in his possession to the entire world.
Result: not much will change, our tyrants in our own government will relentlessly move forward with the destruction of our Liberties.
You need to live up to your screenname and wake up to the tyranny within that is enveloping us.
Snowden is NOT the problem.