If I could not find an alternative sport model as an example would that excuse these millionaires pickpocketing of tax money from my wallet to theirs?
Is it required to have at least one sport to exalt? It’s just a big business entertainment venue, whatever your sport.
I’m not a fan and I object to having to pay for their stadiums when I buy a beer, or rent a car, or pay via the 100’s of other mechanisms they’ve dreamed up to avoid having to pay for themselves.
Sorry comrade, but that’s socialism from one side of their mouths asking the public to build a stadium, and capitalism out of the other, paying huge salaries, mega-millions for the biggest stars. Maybe they’ll move the season start up this year, the masses need ever more and more distracting these days.
More than one game a week for football is too much, what with plays that last only a few seconds on average, and jogging on and off the field, vs hockey where play could go for minutes without a whistle.
What have they dreamed up that you pay for, so they don’t have to pay for themselves, aside from stuff like plates and beer with teams on them?