{Slippery slope? I would frankly consider polygamy a step up. There is at least some biological sense to the arrangement.}
Yep that’s exactly what I just posted. Polygamy is not as bad and historically has been a part of cultures around the world. I don’t want it here but to act as if it’s worse or as bad as gays getting hooking up and calling it a marriage? Noway it’s as bad.
Yeah, cultures that treat women as possessions and members of a herd, and not as people. Cultures that are very violent, as one man getting multiple wives mean that other men go without wives. Cultures of dirt.
Polygamy offers up lots of sex (for the man) and very little love, for the women, the children, or the family.
Is that the kind of culture you want to bring here? Just look at how those enclaves of polygamy do in Utah!