Keep punishing select states. Right "Hymietown" Jackass?
But voter fraud in your favor is just fine, eh Chicago Jesse?
Yep, without vote fraud (over 100% turnout voting for Obama) he may not have returned to the White House.
Where are you bleeding, Jesse? Seems to me that you’ve done extremely well, playing the race game.
Shut up Jesse. Americans are tired of hearing it. Go visit Junior in jail.
BULLSTALIN. Eric Holder dropped a case that had already been won by default regarding voter intimidation at a polling center.
will Jesse Jackson be going on a Shake Down Tour ?
Remember during the Presidential election when the MSM and Government claimed that terms like ‘killing’, ‘stabbing’, were tantamount to ‘incitement to riot’ ?
Now, every day I read headlines like “Obama killing pipeline”, “Stabbed in the heart”, “we want Snowden DEAD”.
But it’s OK now, for some reason.
Dear Jesse,
Smearing blood on yourself is not bleeding.
He wont be happy until there’s a race war.
Shut the hell up. America is getting sick and tired of you and your criminal son...
Your master is waiting for you...
Does he really think that now black people will be denied the right to vote? The Jim Crow laws are done with.
I could care less what Jessie says. Well, that is not the truth. Let him keep talking to the point that his people think they can not legally vote. Obama’s people are stupid enough to believe that is the truth and will stay home in the next election.
Clown Reverend jackson is a complete subhuman loser. Does this idiot ever say anything resembling common sense? He must have been held under water a bit too long when he was baptized getting his “reverend” designation.
Jessie has bled a lot of institutions of their money.
Most black people are irrational and illogical when it comes to “civil rights” topics. Judging by Jesse Jackson’s and Melissa Harris-Perry’s comments these people actually believe that black people will lose the right to vote. For them to believe this drivel means that they must assume the absolute worst of white people. They must assume that white people are rabid racists that will deprive them of the right to vote if given the opportunity. In psychology this is known as projection. Jackson, Harris-Perry, and their ilk are racists who are so used to viewing everything inn an Us vs. Them dynamic that they assume everybody else views opposite races in an antagonistic manner like they do.
Jesse -—One kid in jail another got a beer company when he blackmailed Budweiser, and we haven’t heard from jesse youngest lately.
Jesse needs to smear some more of Martins blood on his shirt.
Barack...hes talking down to black people...telling niggers how to behave.-Jessie Jackson.
WASHINGTON - In a vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said he wanted to cut his [Barack Obamas] nuts out and he accused the fellow Chicagoan of talking down to black folks by giving moral lectures to African-Americans, source said Jacksons shocking quotes were picked up by a hot mic before an interview on health care in Foxs Chicago studio last Sunday.
You are referring to the black on black murder rate I presume?
***saying that civil rights activists have bled too much to be stabbed in the heart this way. ***
You’ve bled? How about half a million white boys who slaughtered each other over the Slave issue.