Looks like a highly techincal decision without addressing the underlying issue. That said, an aggressive campaign to root out the perjury should fly but will fail on two fronts: the election will have already been stolen and good luck finding the fraudulent voters. It is all moot because those idiots in Congress are in process of declaring everybody citizens.
Seems like the way to attack the problem would be to make the I.D. law for STATE elections instead. At that point you have the database available to weed out the fraudulent voters by matching it with a database of those registered to vote in federal elections.
Yes, item (c) in the syllabus leaves the door open for Arizona to correct the shortcoming and still accomplish their aim. Like I said, a highly technical decision supporting the Rule of Law without undermining Arizona’s ultimate aim. This is not the total fail it appears to be at first blush.
Yes, a lot of freaking out here. This doesn't prevent the state from requiring IDs at the polls.