I waiver back and forth whether we should just let the GOP crumble in 2014 to get rid of this rancid leadership, or whether it is vital to the country to keep some balance of power. I thought of Obama having Pelosi and Reid for 2 final years seems unpalatable....and I think that’s what the RNC is betting on. Still not sure we shouldn’t let the Dems take over and hit rock bottom in hopes of saving it a generation from now.
This problem of corruption in DC will only stop when the American people go 1776 on their asses. Not a moment sooner. Elections don’t work any more when only a few large cities can use massive vote fraud to foist corrupt, parasitic Marxist leadership on the rest of us.
You have to build an alternative. There is no alternative.
This has got to stop. And I have to have somewhere to flee to.
no no no no and no
we have to keep fighting, but we need to make perfectly crystal clear to the conservative side that there will be no compromise with evil. None of this pragmatic garbage.
The only way the GOP will replace the elitist big government types in leadership roles is if it crumbles. Boehner and friends are drooling over the prospect of winning the “prize” in 2014 and using it to their benefit. I was wavering as you are now, but Boehner makes it clear the GOP is an alternative to the Dems in terms of speed only. It seems to me the only principle he has is that he retains power.
I think we can survive two years of Democrats in Congress. It will make restoring limited government more difficult but those up to the challenge will have all the more credibility in 2016 and be in a stronger position to take over the GOP leadership. A defeat in 2014 is tolerable if it discredits Boehner and company and forces change in the GOP and changes in the country in 2016.