OK, I agree. I hope I don’t fall under the category of “Ludite” I have been to counseling for that... ;-) And I personally am not going to start a campaign against GMO’s.
But just as food is marked Kosher, could the GMO label be applied.
Aluminum has been known to possibly cause Alzheimers. So I personally use Stainless Steel cookware. So if I am buying cookware, I look for stainless steel. It costs more, but it is my choice. My family takes care of an Alzheimers patient. I will avoid it like the plague.
“Kosher,” like “halal” and “organic,” is a label voluntarily attached by a food producer as a branding strategy. It gets slightly complicated because producer groups can and do disagree about, for example, the meaning of “organic.” So they scamper off to an outside authority such as a religious body or government seeking an authoritative ruling on the meaning of the word. But the primary point to make is that this is voluntary, affirmative labelling affixed as a marketing device targeted at a niche buyer to whom that particular quality matters. There is nothing wrong with this.
Bottom line, if you don’t like the idea of GMO’s, you have a simple remedy. Look for the organic label.