And together, former IRS commissioner Shulman and the IRS Torquemada in charge of enforcement of Obamacre compliance, a Ms Ingram, logged over 300 visits to the WH.
I’m guessing they discussed only what Jughead would read in the newspaper over the last couple weeks.
And maybe the Tea Party and exempt applicants with the words ‘patriot’ and ‘liberty’ in their names, and they asked, “D-uhh, you want we should cut sum nuts, Boss?”
And Jughead replied, “That’d be great. Coffee, I mean. Ha ha!”
Now these fine folks, Learner & Co. (BHO, CEO), are trying to pin the tail on donkeys like this woman and a Murther. With this WH the buck stops as low as they can go.
Sounds like Carter Hull needs to find an attorney pretty quickly. The bag is in his hand.
Probably want to stay away from Ft Marcy park.