Lesson to Learn: If you are a gun owner - move out of the North East of the US - wake up early - and don’t stop until you get to IN or KY!
This is what they call “Justice” in New Jersey.
Simple solution to the problem. Texas, Maine, and other states that think New Jersey citizens are idiots for their laws should make them pay. When traveling through other states with a NJ plate, LE pull them over and search them for any violation of the law they can find. NJ shows they, like NY, are not similar thinking states of these United States and should be treated as such.
But the usual suspects will insist that the police are on our side (whatever that means)
NJ police marching note swat style helmets and 0bama banners
Letters to Cornyn and Cruz might be the best way to start this ball rolling
He will know next time to stay his ass out of New Jersey. I do.
Can Christie paardon this guy? If he can but won’t that says a lot.
Let’s all start carrying empty gun cases around. Let’s swamp the system.
From the article:
The pardon process exists for situations like this. Dustin Reininger has more than paid his debt to society
I take exception to this statement. Reininger has no "debt to society." He is a victim of the NJ police state.
The police who arrested him, the prosecutor who prosecuted him, and the judge that sentenced him are the ones who owe.
At baggage check I unlocked the case and the check-in guy asked me to "clear the weapons" - the reaction of others in line when I racked the shotgun was priceless......
The free state of Pennsylvania is just a few minutes away. New Jersey's firearms laws are stupid and draconian, but that the state has awful firearm laws is well known even if you're not an ex-LEO.
Sad to say, but I doubt that Christie will pardon this one.
How much time has he served already? His trial, which he didn’t attend, and conviction was back in 2011 according to one article I read.
Anyone who lives in New Jersey and does not have plans to get out needs an intervention.
As soon as he hit the state line, or landed at O'Hare and drove off to his new home, he figured he would have been in violation of some of our STOO-PID™ Firearm laws. And he's right., folks have actually been arrested when Legally Transporting rifles per IL Law.
[First he thought of driving his RV 'down here', then decided to fly. Either way, screwed.]
Needs repeating - Dustin Reininger is a U.S. veteran and former police officer serving 3-5 years in a New Jersey prison for possession of firearms that he legally owned
If that’s how NJ offers “Full Faith and Credit” to citizens of other states, then NJ should be made to pay.
Far away.
From that sickening toilet.
New Jersey.
Just stick your nose in the air and steer AWAY from the stench.
Surprisingly, New England is pretty pro-gun. Only RI refuses to issue carry permits to anyone who does not complete their redundant, spiteful, Libtard qualification course that one has already passed in other states.