The communist libs take up the birther stance because of a couple things IMHO:
1. Payback and revenge. Those are two of the biggest drivers in the lib party now, coming straight from the top.
2. The can’t argue against many of the position Cruz takes without revealing themselves to be even more left fringe.
One of the things I like about Cruz is he doesn’t care about the nasties. He just doesn’t seem to pay much attention to it. I’m sure the IRS is looking at his tax history and the libs probably have Gloria Alred sniffing around to see if they can pull some poor mouse out of the woodwork and exploit how she felt “uncomfortable” around Cruz. I agree with those who say the communists and their propogandist media-bots will throw everything at Cruz they have.
They’re absolutely going to give him the Sarah Palin treatment. You can certainly count on that.
That’s one of the reasons I remain positive toward Palin if she should ever choose to run. She’s been through it already.
But I don’t know if she ever will.
The sad thing is that FR is rampant with people who are basically on the liberals’ side when it comes to Cruz. I say that because such people make all sorts of transparently false arguments in their attempts to shoot Cruz down before he can even get out of the starting gate.
I’m not sure what the difference is between people who call themselves liberals spewing false propaganda to shoot Cruz down, and people who call themselves conservatives spewing false propaganda to shoot Cruz down. Either way seems bad for conservatives.