So how do us normal people join Internal Affairs and help get rid of these dregs?
So how do us normal people join Internal Affairs and help get rid of these dregs?
So you are deluded into thinking the american people are not corrupt..
Everyone in Washington D.C. was elected or hired by someone elected..
The american people DO NOT WANT it to change..
ELSE... it would.. It has been this way for at least 50 years I know personally about.. maybe far longer..
The Washington D.C. “BOIL” is coming to a head..
BUT it’s been in that city corrupt for much longer.
Thank the maggot Barry Half-White.. he brought the turtles head out..
Theres something very nasty in Washington D.C.
Corrupt poisonous and fouling all it touches..
ONLY Civil War has even a Hope of a Cure..
YOU up for it?.. it would MORE bloody than the first one.. much more..