Your post adds great impact to the discussion. Since the Catholic Church has done much to encourage the Boy Scouts in its parishes, how it deals with this latest turn of events will be one to watch. I have confidence they are not taking it lightly.
Well I sure hope it does not end up with a bunch of high minded sounding compromise with the world. Some may view this as bashing and I can’t help them if they do.
Watch them.
Natl. Cath. Register.
The Catholic church will never change its stance on homosexuality and gender.
The US Church, is to adhere to the Holy See, the Vatican, and it tends to get a little off track as it struggles with pressure fro all sides.
I like to watch those who keep that in mind.
my own Pastor, Cardinal Chaput, of Philadelphia, Cardinal Burke, who is in Rome at the Vatican and ALL of the good priests and theologians regularly featured on Catholic radio and EWTN TV.
It is very nuanced when figuring out why they can comment on certain political, social issues, and not at all on others.